House Brand


  • Work:Brand Design, Custom Ecommerce
  • Client:House Brand
  • Skills:WooCommerce Theme Development, Project Management, Bootstrap 4, Sass

House Brand manufacture dried fruits and other beverage products. Their product leant itself to bright citrus colours, but we also wanted a more classic and craft food image.

My company was tasked with a logo design, brand design, packaging design and online store. I lead the project, advising on design, but the design work was done by a selected designer.

The development of the online store was my own. The soft lines and colours was a refreshing change to the corporate work I mostly do. It helped me to focus on a visually pleasant experience for the customer, along with a functional and practical online store.

The site was built using WooCommerce as a platform and a custom theme using Bootstrap 4 as a framework.

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