BlueBlox Trade Repository


  • Work:Custom Application Development
  • Client:BlueBlox
  • Skills:Custom Development, PHP, WordPress plugin development, WP Toolset

At the time of writing, this is my most important project. The BlueBlox Trade Repository is my single biggest and most technically challenging project yet. The experience gained here alone makes me a confident plugin developer and competent PHP developer.

The initial scope was for the development of a platform to host trade related information for both internal company users and for selling access to the information on a subscription basis to customers.

The quantity and the interrelated nature of the information was the focal point, with the challenge being to develop a system that would make consuming information easy for the customer.

I chose WordPress as a starting point for its inherent data storing and extensibility, such as being able to make use of community and custom-built plugins to extend functionality as the system grows.

An HTML user interface was purchased, but all other development is completely custom.

Today, BlueBlox is an ongoing client, and I continue to develop and maintain the platform further to the client’s needs.